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Hello Parents,

Westside Christian is proud to have a support system of parents and family members who are eager and willing to support the mission of the school and the needs of our teachers and students. Being a part of PTF (Parent Teacher Fellowship), Athletics, the Arts and Parents of Prayer are great ways to meet other families and help the school with projects, fundraisers, and more. We treasure the prayers lifted up on behalf of our students, faculty, and staff.

Get involved today!

PTF meetings are held the second Wednesday of every month from 6:30pm to 7:30pm in the Library (check the school calendar for the most updated information).  All WCHS community members are welcome to attend and participate, whether you hold a position or not. We would love to have you there!

PTF Leadership 2024-2025

The Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) is continually seeking new leadership for next year.  PTF is a great way to serve at WCHS.  We would love to have you join us! If you are interested, please reach out to PTF President Lisa Shepard at

Meet the PTF Team

PTF Executive Board

President | Lisa Shepard
Secretary | coming soon
Treasurer | coming soon
VP Programs | coming soon
VP Community and Staff Fellowship | coming soon


Choir Chair | coming soon
Drama Chair | coming soon

Academic Chair | coming soon

Class reps

Freshman | coming soon
Sophomore  | coming soon
Junior | coming soon
Senior | coming soon 

Community & staff fellowship

PEST | coming soon
Fundraising | coming soon


(for mobile users) 
Scroll down to sign up and join


PTF Interest Survey